
Friday 15 April 2016

In the trenches

The outrageous smelly old trenches sneaky, cheeky, little, brown, smelly, fat rats nibbling and feasting on a soldiers ripped and ruined haversack. Maybe the reason the stinky old rats are doing that is because they are scavenging for food and disgusting dead bodies. Like eating worms because they have an empty stomach. The puzzlement is where did the rats appear from and why did they?

Their territory was shocking. Slushy gooey mud because of the miserable weather flooding, rain, spitting hail stones, soft snow, spooky lighting, scorching sun, icy grounds,foggy morning, roaring thunder and soldiers running through it in a fast speed dash. I wonder how the landscape of the trenches were invented and when were they invented?

People had passed away lying on the muddy dirt red liquid blood all over.  Maybe they had a deadly disease or …  been shot. I wonder how would they get disease in the trench?

In the trenches under the surface sand-sacks draining  like a waterfall because of flashing lightning gun shots whistling  through the air like a dart. I wonder?

be there

this year we have new school values but we don't call them values now we call them people powers. Our new people powers are play, make their day, chose your attitude and be there. This week we have been discovering  what be there means so we made a poster about be there and what it means. We did our be there poster in our inquiry groups and made small groups of three. My group was me lucy, natalia and Alesha
This is our poster that we made together as a team.

Thursday 14 April 2016

First World War

I have been learning about the First World War and the ANZACs.

Tuesday 12 April 2016


This week we have been doing art in our inquiry groups Mrs raisin is my inquiry teacher.
You can try this best to color it in pastels but if you don't have any just simple use crayons.
This is a nice quiet relaxing thing to do in a quiet time.
This is one of my examples

Friday 8 April 2016

komodo dragons

this week we have been learning about animals so we had to put all the info into a slide this is my slide about komodo dragons.

Thursday 7 April 2016

word cloud

This is my word cloud about me.

strong passwords

We have been learning about strong passwords hears what you need to have a smart passwords.

smart passwords

In school we have been learning about smart passwords here is a slide about smart passwords.