
Friday 25 January 2019

Day 3 Taking Action Activity 2 SLJ

Activity 2 
For this activity we have to post three facts that you learned about the Māui Dolphin.create three more statements about Māui dolphins that are not true and see if anyone can figure out which ones are true and which ones are false.


1. They can only be seen living in the North West Coast of the central and upper North Island areas.

2.The Māui Dolphin is the Smallest known dolphin in existence.

3.The Māui Dolphin can live for 30-35 years.

4.Māui Dolphin is also known as Popoto.

5.The Māui Dolphin is only found in New Zealand And in a few parts of Australia.

6.In some rare cases The Māui Dolphin can be born in a extremely dark shade of green.

Day 3 Taking Action Activity 1 SLJ

Activity 1
For this activity we have to watch three videos and then pick wich one we liked the most and why?

Predator Free Video #1: Cacophony Project
Predator Free Video #2: Taranaki Mounga Project
Predator Free Video #3: Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP)
My favourite video was the first video the Cacophony Project . I liked this video the most because they were using technology to create better traps and Sound systems to try and decrease how many possums there were to help protect the native birds. The best thing about this project is anyone can use the idea and then make it 2x better than it already is.
Image result for nz native birds

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Day 2 Protect Our Own Activity 3 SLJ

Activity 3 
For this activity we have to decide what project we find the most interesting and why.

The most interesting project to me was conserving the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey in Vietnam. When i was looking through all the projects they had done or are still doing and this on caught my because the monkey is so cute and they they had big pink lips and their face looked like a person.I also found this project interesting because even though they the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey is still listed as one of the 25 most endangered primates in the world. Though the project was successful and the population has increased by 75%.

Image result for tonkin snub-nosed monkey

Day 2 Protecting Our Own Activity 2 SLJ

Activity 2 
For this activity we have to list 10 fruits,veggies or herbs we would grow in our garden.


Image result for Strawberries


Image result for blackberries


Image result for raspberries


Image result for watermelon


Image result for lettuce


Image result for carrots


Image result for tomatoes


Image result for mint


Image result for Basil


Image result for blueberries

Day 2 Protecting our own Activity 1 SLJ

Activity 1 
For this activity we have to say how we would feel about going ziplining in Rotorua.

I would Love going ziplining in Rotorua it would be so cool to look down and see the Amazing Forests. I can imagine myself standing on the platform and looking down and being terrified and my mind goes to the worst possibility.... Falling And DYING! But it would be a amazing experience.....hopefully.

Image result for zipline

Day 1 Preserving The Past Activity 3 SLJ

Activity 3 
For this activity we have to write a poem about traveling to Beijing,China when there is a lot of air pollution.

Image result for Beijing air pollution

Day 1 Preserving The Past Activity 2 SLJ

Activity 2 
For this activity we have to say whether we think the Taniwha exists or not?  And explain our answer.

I think that Taniwha exist.I think that they exist because There are most likely Millions of species that could live in the deep oceans that we don't know about. One of perhaps millions could be like a taniwha and are never seen because they don't want to be seen and instead take the forms of others to keep them unseen if that's true then the Taniwha and Millions of other species exist.

Image result for taniwha

Monday 21 January 2019

Week 4 Day 1 Preserving the past Activity 1 SLJ

Activity 1 
For this activity we have to list five questions we would like to ask  Dame Suzie Moncrieff ( the creator of WOW).

1.What is your favourite outfit ?

2.How did you come up with WOW ?

3.When did WOW start?

4.What was the weirdest outfit you have ever seen made out of?

5.Why did you create the World Of WearableArt

Image result for world of wearableart

Sunday 20 January 2019

Day 5 Here to stay Activity 3 SLJ

Activity 3
For this activity we have to imagine that New Zealand was hit by a massive acid rain storm. Acidic rain fell for three days and three nights. When the rain fell, you stayed inside with your friends and family. When it stopped, however, you and your family decided to go for a walk outside.

It had been raining non stop for three days and three nights which meant we were stuck in our house with the curtains closed, watching Netflix for Three whole days. Because it was non stop raining Mum And Dad said they would go shopping once the rain had stopped, thank god they went weekly shopping a few days before the rain/ fog begun. It was around the second day in the morning when we checked the news report saying we were being hit by a massive acid rain storm and that they didn't know how long the rain would last. On that same day we were running out of cat food and the Cats were getting restless not being able to go outside and enjoy the sun that had not shown in days because it was covered by a thick grey cloud.On the third day was when we realised we've got no water and hadn't had water for the last 2 days and everyone started to get thirsty. On the third night at around 3am i woke again to the sound of rain i slowly dozed off slowly until i jolted up and noticed the sound it was .... silent no rain had it stopped would it come back or had the rain completely passed . I rushed up to my window to see something very strange , normally when there is a whole lot of rain the trees the grass the bushes are green and lush. But when i gazed out my window it wasn't green and lush it was either dead or dying, the trees were brown and rotten, no green leaves,no lush grass. Everything looked dry and rotten wich was messing with my head because it have literally been raining for three - four days straight. My family one by one entered my room following my gaze out the window. When the sun rose we decided to take a walk outside now that we could see everything better. We took a step outside and shook our heads in shock. The only thought in my head was how could rain do something so effective to Plants and wildlife as this.

Image result for acid rain

Day 5 Here to stay Activity 2 SLJ

Activity 2 
For this activity we have to list five things we like to do on a rainy day.

Image result for Reading

Image result for Netflix

Image result for Roblox
4.Board Games 

Image result for board games

Image result for baking