
Tuesday 29 June 2021

Waste Graph

 What can be done to reduce what goes into your rubbish bin? 

Some of the best ways to reduce how much is being discarded into the bins, are to reuse containers or packaging that you may be useful in the future, such as plastic containers, bags, jars, ice-cream containers, etc this prevents the need to purchase containers to store leftover food or other items. Another solution is to reduce how much u purchase from the beginning, instead of grabbing the first item you see looks for items that have recyclable packaging by checking for the symbol on the box or container. 

Where was the majority of waste going? Waste/Recycling/Compost?

The majority of my waste was going into the compost bin with 15 pieces of rubbish going into the compost bin over the span of 3 days, this was closely followed up by my waste total with 13 pieces of rubbish going into the waste bin, lastly, I had 9 pieces of rubbish that ended up being recycled. 

Did you find one day had more waste than any other day? Why? 

I found that i had the most compost waste on Friday when i attended school and they provided

kahciar sucks

Monday 28 June 2021

English Creative writing

  Brainstorming - 

HunterSwoop - 

Top Left -
Tears of muddy black dirt stream down the walls, splotches of light scatter the darkness that tries to conceal the writing of other's presence from the past. 

Top Right -
The mirrored wall projects the same image of the ocean surface of dirt streaming down into a waterfall of mud streaming down the engraved lines sectioning the walls. 

Bottom -
Three paths lie ahead each side rise above the middle, one path broken into sections with dirt and moss creeping into the cracks, the other 2 paths are smooth, reflecting the gradient of darkness to the white of flickering lights.  From the dim lights, the silhouette of a frail human stands out among the grey of the paths, the dark shadow melting into the darkness lurking behind.  

Middle -

Thursday 24 June 2021

Waste Article

Waste has been a big problem over the past year ever since the lockdown where the  EcoCentral closed its recycling operations for four weeks, leading the to council tell the residents they could put any rubbish that could not fit in a red wheelie bin into the yellow one. Even though this rule was temporary its till a continued practice by the residents and the number of recycling trucks that have had to be dumped due to the high percentage (Over 10%) of waste in one day was equal to the number of trucks that were dumped in the previous year. To prevent this from happening the council has gotten extremely strict as to what people are putting in their recycling bins by reviewing what people have in their bins and giving out warning stickers on the recycling bins that contain red bin waste. Residents receive a total of 3 warnings before their yellow bins are confiscated completely, since the warning system was applied 664 yellow bins have been removed, To get the bins back, people have to pay $97.65 and sign a statement promising to abide by the rules. Their bins would be monitored to make sure they kept that promise.

The only items that can go in the yellow bin are: 

Clean plastic bottles and containers (3 liters and under) numbered 1 are things like soft drink bottles

Clean plastics bottles and containers (3 liters and under) numbered 2 are things like milk bottles

Clean plastic bottles and containers (3 liters and under) numbered 5 are things like family-sized yogurt and ice cream containers

Metals: aluminum cans, metal tins, or aerosol cans

Clean glass: clear and colored glass bottles or jars

What can go in the green organics bin :

We accept all food waste and garden waste in your green organics bin:

food scraps, fruit and vegetables including pips and stones

leftover meat, bones and fish

bread, pastries and flour

garden waste, most cut flowers, pruned branches, leaves and grass clippings

coffee grindings and tea bags

cheese and butter

human and animal hair

paper and cardboard used for food, i.e pizza boxes, fish and chip paper,  kitchen paper towels, shredded paper and serviettes


shells and shellfish 

Clean cardboard and paper; newspapers, flattened cardboard boxes

These items must go in the red bin:

Takeaway coffee and drink cups

Takeaway containers, such as burger boxes, fast food and takeaway boxes

Containers over 3 litres, such as large water and oil bottles and bulk cleaning containers

All lids including ice cream containers, butter and family sized yoghurt lids

Fabric bags, textile and clothing

Soft plastics such as shopping bags, plastic film, bread, pasta, and rice bags, frozen food bags and courier bags

Liquid cartons, such as juice cartons, almond and soy milk

Compostable and bio-degradable bags and packaging

Ash, timber and sawdust (let ash cool for at least five days before disposing of it in the red bin)

Monday 21 June 2021

English Work

 Brainstorming - 

Hunterswoop - 

Top Left - The suspiciously dark midnight blue sky rests over the top of the fluff of the white clouds that mark the horizon. The White orb, the singular hole in the ocean of solid blue hangs high in the sky slightly off-centered.

Top Right - A slight gradient of dark blue colors the sky hovering over the volcano of deformed white cloud that shelters the horizon. 

Bottom - The Artificial Aquatic blue breaks way to a cylinder can, staying buoyant on a slight angle, preventing the blue jelly-looking water of the sea from taking up residence inside the can. The solid color of the blue hints to a shallow surface resting below, a swimming pool? a sandy tropical beach? The horizon suggests differently. 

Middle -  The roof of the can stands verticle, pried open giving way to the head of a small almond brown mouse pokes out from the matte grey can, its beady black eyes staring endlessly forward, frozen in the fear of its surroundings. Preserving the brown of its soft fur from the sun is a black funeral cliche umbrella angled towards the sun. 

Creative Writing Task - (Mirror, Mirror)

In the morning when you look in the mirror you expect to see your dull sleepy face staring back at you, and you sleepily mumble the words "I look like shit" to yourself. Well, not today! Today when I woke up I was expecting to see my pale face looking back but when I glanced in the direction of the mirror I wasn't there! I couldn't for the life of me figure out why! I even ran to my sibling's room, the bathroom, the living room  I checked every mirror in the house, and my silhouette just wouldn't appear. At this point my thought process was "Wait, what if I'm invisible, is this my superpower, ARE SUPERPOWERS REAL??" "No you idiot" A low husky voice responds shutting my thought process down completely. I was so focused and confused at why I wasn't showing up in the mirror that I brushed of the remark completely and stumbled down the hallway to find my phone and see if I showed up in the camera. To my disappointment, there I was, the blurry image of a sleep-deprived teenager looking panicky into the camera lens. "At least your hair looks lighter and curlier today" the voice, louder this time echos through my room. I freeze searching for the source of the voice, "did somebody sneak into my room to compliment me?" I search under the bed, in the wardrobe, under my desk, behind the curtains, until finally my gaze rests on the blank mirror, as soon as i look at it the mirror starts firing a full military report on my appearance, not missing a single centimeter of my body, from what I'm wearing to the expression I'm making. 

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Hunter swoop

Brainstorm - 


Hunter Swoop - 


The long streaks of black licorice trees loom over the shadows blocking the light from exposing the maze of branches and bark. 


Trees crowd, less dense this time, on the wavering horizon, welcoming the light to shine over the entangled forest of branches and twigs. 


The black inky water reflects almost another world, a darker, dramatic, and dreadful world. Splotches of dead, barren leaves stain the perfect world, removing the perfect illusion of another world altogether. 


Damp autumn leaves blanket the ground softening each step up to the inky water, I can feel the withered trees looming over me, their presence ever in my mind for what they could be hiding, or who they could be hiding. Cautiously kneeling down to the water reveals a young girl with fiery gold hair glaring back at me, almost unrecognizable in her state, but not quite. 

Independent matrix - 

(Random Wikipedia) 

The John Weir House is a historic house located at 715 N. Main St. in EdwardsvilleIllinois. Built in 1836, the house is the second-oldest in Edwardsville after the Benjamin Stephenson House. The two-and-one-half story brick house is designed in the Federal style. The front facade of the house has five bays with a central entrance; the entrance is surrounded by a fan light and an arched lintel. The house's gable roof features three dormers on either side, chimneys at either end, and a brick cornice on the rear edge. Dr. John Weir, the owner of the house, ran his doctor's office in the house with his son Edward until the former's death in 1878. In 1963, the Madison County Historical Society purchased the house and converted it to a museum.[2]

The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places on May 9, 1983.[1]


The John Weir House is a historic 2 and a half story brick house designed in a federal style. 

Is the second eldest house in Edwardsville, Built-in 1836. 

The house is located at 715N Main St in Edwardsville, Illinois. 

The front of the house has five bays.

The house has a central entrance with a fanlight and an arched lintel surrounding the entrance 

The house features a gable roof with 6 dormers, split on between two sides 

The roof also features 2 chimneys located on either side of the roof 

It has a brick cornice lining the rear edge of the roof 

Dr. John weir, the owner of the house was a doctor. 

Johns medical office was in the house which he ran with his son 

Johns son Edward, Died in 1878 

1963 the  Madison County Historical Society took ownership of the house and transformed it into a historical museum. 

on May 9th, 1983 the museum was officially added to the register for National Historic Places. 

Friday 4 June 2021

Figurative Language (Fast Finishers)

 Brainstorming - 

 Fast Finishers - 

(Madlib Mania)

                                                                        My Dream Man 
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 
Message From Camp 
Personal Ad

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Figurative Language!

 Brainstorming - 

Figurative language - 

Alliteration - 

The sun sizzled the swimmer's skin.
I accidentally ate an awful apple.
Beth borrowed Barry’s books before biology. 
Slipping and sliding, I stumbled in the snow and slush.
Many mysterious men mumbled messages.
The gallant goat gobbled gobs of garbage greedily. 
The rapidly rising river rushed rampantly.

Red roses… relish in the radiant rays of the sun. 
While wandering…wizards waddle along, whimpering white walruses die.
The tired traveler... treks along the translucent track, telling tales

Personification - 

The wind whispered through the gloomy forest. 
In this sentence, the wind has been personified by being given the ability to speak or whisper. 

The gardener lovingly added the manure to his crops believing he was making happy flowers.
In this sentence, the flowers are being personified and being given emotion specifically happiness. 

.  As we walked through the scorching desert, the sun beat down on us.
In this sentence, it is the sun that is being personified as it is being given the action of beating down on them. 

 The lumberjack leveled the many trees into a clearing and his chainsaw sang its deadly song.
The chainsaw is being personified as it is been given the human straight if singing a song. 

 As Alice searched for her missing pencil, she said sarcastically, “Well, I guess it just walked off of my desk.”  She looked at her classmates accusingly.  
The pencil has been personified in the sentence as it has been given the human trait of walking. 

When Monica walked through the shoe store, each shiny pair of high heels called out to her.
High heels have been personified and have called out to her interpreting that they can speak. 

Personification Sentences - 

My desk leg got mad and kicked my toe while I was walking past. 

The clouds we sad today they cried down on us all morning. 

The Lollies on the shelf we calling my name. 

My alarm clock squeals at me to get out of bed every morning 

the wind howled through the night 

lightening danced through the clouds. 

The moon played hide and seek with the clouds 

the avalanche devours anything in its way. 

Onomatopoeia - 

A plate being dropped on the floor. - SMASH 
A balloon being burst. - POP
A gun being shot. - BANG
Someone eating chips. - CRUNCH
A light is switched on. -  CLICK
A fierce dog. - GROWL
A small bell being rung. - TINKLE 
A door opening - CREEK 
A bomb exploding - BOOM
A child screaming. - SCREECH
The old engine chugged down the rickety track. 
The hard-hit tennis ball whistled by my ear.
The truck’s brakes screeched in the distance.
The rain beat on the metal barn roof.
His guitar strings twanged the sad melody. 
The old floor creaked as we walked slowly across it. 
The fire cracked and popped on a cold night. 
The snake hissed when I startled it.

More sentences - 

  Ticktock, ticktock… the sound of the clock was all that could be heard in the hospital waiting room.
   I ordered online proofreading services with the click of a mouse.
  I knew we had finally left the city when I could hear the gentle moo of the cows in the field.
 Quack, quack went the ducks as we threw them our stale bread.
 Zip! My dress was fastened and I was finally ready for the wedding.
  It was lovely to wake up to the tweet of the birds outside my bedroom window.
   “Compliments to the chef,” roared the giant as he let out a huge belch.
  My teeth were chattering as we waited in the freezing cold for the bus to arrive.
I could hear their buzzing, so I knew there was a bee’s nest around here somewhere.
 Please do not beep your horn after dark.

Hyperbole - 

I’m so hungry I could eat a whole elephant! (Hyperbole/Not)
May is the nicest month of the year. (Hyperbole/Not)
Her brightly colored dress hurt his eyes. (Hyperbole/Not)
The roof rose up and down to the rhythm of the music. (Hyperbole/Not)
I ate all of my salad for lunch.  (Hyperbole/Not)
The dog was so dirty it had a tomato plant growing on its back. (Hyperbole/Not)

 A strong wind. - The wind was like a tornado 
A headache. - It felt like my head was going to explode 
A fast computer - My computer was working at the speed of light 
A funny movie - The movie had me dying on the floor 
A hot pan - The pan was as hot as hell 
A loud, crying baby - The baby screamed like a baby dinosaur 
Heavy groceries - The groceries weigh a trillion pounds 
A scary dog - The dog scared me to death